HH - Homes for the Homeless
HH stands for Homes for the Homeless
Here you will find, what does HH stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Homes for the Homeless? Homes for the Homeless can be abbreviated as HH What does HH stand for? HH stands for Homes for the Homeless. What does Homes for the Homeless mean?The individual & family services business firm is located in New York, New York, United States.
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Alternative definitions of HH
- Hochschild Homology
- HouseHold/s
- Hard of hearing
- Head To Head
- Hand Held
- Hip Hop
- Hansestadt Hamburg
- Hansestadt Hamburg
View 349 other definitions of HH on the main acronym page
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- HSH Howard Stein Hudson
- HUST Henan University of Science and Technology
- HARECN Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network
- HBOI Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- HLG Hotel Le Germain
- HWB Howse Williams Bowers
- HSMC Hang Seng Management College
- HPSC Henry a Petter Supply Company
- HSV Hospital Santa Virginia
- HAVL Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd
- HGH Home of Guiding Hands
- HSGI Healthcare Service Group Inc
- H8Y Hot 8 Yoga